Sunday, April 12, 2009

Seven Pounds

..with Will Smith is a movie I just watched tonight. This was a great movie; a little slow in the beginning, but it's just one of those movies where it all ties in at the end. I recommend seeing it.

Here's the link to more information about it:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blue Heaven Studios

Today we went to Blue Heaven Studios in Salina, KS. We were there close to an hour, but it was interesting to see a side of media that has an art form and a life all its own.

They still used LPs and had a cutting station for the records. We also saw different rooms and learned more about acoustics and got to see a ribbon microphone.

It was just neat to see an art that has almost died away at this point because we have evolved into using primarily MP3s and CDs instead of the old tape method.

This studio has been in Salina for 13 years now and I didn't even know about it. I just thought it was an old church and I've lived here all my life. Sad, I know.


So I have seen a lot of movies in the past week.

I went and saw Frost/Nixon at the Art Cinema and I must say, it's a pretty good movie. Of course, you have to understand what happened at Watergate to understand it, but I learned a bit of history as well. Also, seeing a view of what the media crew went through to get the interviews all set up was cool to watch. I knew what they meant with certain terms and I have actually used some of the equipment they used in the 70's, which is when the setting for this movie was set in.

Then I saw I Love You, Man on Friday, March 27. Great show. I would recommend seeing it if you haven't already.

Finally, we rented and watched Slumdog Millionaire last night. It gives an in-depth look into how life in India really is right now. It is centered around the lives of two brothers, Salim and Jamal. There is a love interest in the movie, but it can be pretty violent and graphic. So younger kids probably should not watch it. But I also recommend going out and renting or buying this movie.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Movies galore

So for my American History 2 class, to get extra credit, we are required to go see the Frost/Nixon movie at the Art Cinema downtown. To find out more about it go to I am going to see it sometime this week and will let you all know about it and what I thought.

Also, has anybody seen I Love You, Man? yet?
That is another movie on my list of things to see.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Evil Dead Trilogy

If you think you have seen everything and haven't seen the Evil Dead Trilogy, you haven't seen everything. I haven't completed viewing the entire trilogy, but the two that I have seen are great. Back when they were made, these thrillers were seen as scary. Today, they're just amusing.

With Sam Raimi as the director and Bruce Campbell as the main character, playing "Ash," it can make for some funny movie viewing. I'd give this a B and recommend seeing the trilogy.

Bad Movie-Going Experiences

From,24745/, people are sharing their worst movie going experiences. While I hate the loud obnoxious people flipping out their cellphones, those yelling at the movie screen, those trying to predict what will happen next, or other annoying acts, I don't think any of mine have amounted to these stories.

I have also heard stories about kids aged 10-13 doing some pretty indecent things at the front of the theatre and one time when a drunk man passed out in the movies and it took quite a bit from an employee and a cop to wake him up.

But these stories take the cake.

Dickinson Theatres and the Art Cinema

I can't stand how some of the best movies created are either never shown at Dickinson Theatres, our local movie theatre, and we have to wait until they are out on DVD, or hope that the Art Cinema has the funds to be able to show it shortly before it does come out on DVD.

I understand that when most people go to see a movie, they either want a feel-good or something that doesn't make them have to think. And that's okay sometimes, but when all movies are just brainwashed and rehashed stories, it gets really old really fast. Why couldn't movies such as Juno come to the movies? And the movies that WERE nominated for awards this year weren't even shown at our movie theatre.

Hmm...maybe it's just the manager at our movie theatre, who knows. But we need some better movies for crying out loud!


I just read this post that reads, "I just finished teaching my first class on 3-D cinematography. For the final, I gave the students the option to answer 2 extra credit questions. Here’s the second one.

'A velociraptor is coming at you on a hoverboard. In a haiku, describe how you will survive.'"

Some selected responses:

Shit Christopher Lloyd!
Back in the DeLorean!
This sequel will suck!

I use sticky web
Like Spidy and Green Goblin.
Take down that raptor.

Screaming to trees,
I’m not that good of a treat.
I have many fleas.

I would climb high
above the sharp reptile beast
and kick its face in.

Calmly explain that
he is an anachronism.
Then watch him die."

Very creative. And funny...
And random. Ha.

Seven Reasons Wal-Mart Sucks

After reading the article "Seven Reasons Wal-Mart Sucks," from, I conclude that most of what the author has to say is true. Some of the statements aren't true where my local Wal-Mart is, but most of it is. It just depends on your local Wal-Mart.

The seven reasons include:
1. Wal-Mart has run thousands of small-businesses OUT of business.
2. Wal-Mart treats employees notoriously badly.
3. Their products are generally cheap and are always devoid of any sacramental value.
4. Wal-Mart exploits cheap international labor.
5. Their customer service is a nightmare.
6. They have no regard for the environment, despite their ad campaign to the contrary.
7. The stores are ugly.

I agree with ideas 1, 3, 4, and 7. I never worked there, so I don't know how bad the workers are treated, but it is true that there is always someone there who wants your job, so they can get by with paying you minimum wage if they want. Customer service usually isn't bad when I need to return something, unless they are really busy (like on a holiday). I agree that they need more workers there to help, as well as in the regular cashier lines as well, but the service isn't too bad. And I am not sure on how they regard the environment, so I am not going to side for or against them on that point.

Like the author says, "When you shop at Wal-Mart, you save money and you may save time– but you’re giving up your soul in exchange." That's true, and I prefer not going there, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

He's Just Not that Into You

About a week ago, I went to go see the newly-popular movie in theatres, "He's Just Not That into You." For information and/or to view the trailer, visit:

This was an alright movie. But I wouldn't pay to go see it again. It had some funny parts and well-known actors, but the information they're telling you should not be taken for the truth as "The Bible." I'd give it a C or a B-. Also, when my friend got done watching it, she laughed, but then was questioning, "Hey, I think my boyfriend is showing some of these signs." Uh-oh. Watch out!


I saw the movie Memento a few weeks ago. For a summary and/or to view the trailer, visit:

I give this film a B+ to an A. When you watch it, you're trying to piece together how all these events make sense together, but the end really throws you. I highly recommend seeing this movie.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1st Amendment Rights

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the USA. What exactly is it and why is it important?

I went to and the definition of the First Amendment states:

"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that expressly prohibits the United States Congress from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion" or that prohibit the free exercise of religion, laws that infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to peaceably assemble, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

So, basically, the first amendment is the freedom of religion, speech, peaceful assembly and so on. However, there are certain restrictions on this Amendment, usually different state by state, according to the views of a judge and a jury. So how, exactly, does one know where to draw the line, in certain aspects such as producing media? That's a tough question to answer.

The rights of Americans only go so far. This amendment is important to media, especially people pursuing the career because they need to know what restrictions they are limited to.

For example, libel and slander are totally out of the picture. Media cannot make someone look bad without good evidence that they are doing something wrong, such as spousal abuse. And then, the question of what intentions the producer of the work has by displaying the slander. Do they want to make the person look bad because they secretly hate the person? Or do they just want justice? This is determined by a judge and jury.

Obscenity is another issue. What is obscene? Once again, that is to be translated by wherever you're at. For example, in Kansas, things are a bigger deal that for example, in San Francisco, CA. Places like California are able to have more liberal views and media, just because of the views of the citizens there.

One last point I will bring up is the freedom to petition, assemble, and protest non-violently. I was driving down Ohio one day and a man had a big sign showing a mutilated baby that went through abortion. It wasn't violent, but it was pretty graphic and I'm surprised he didn't get in trouble for it. His views are important and should be expressed, but I thought it was pretty obscene. But then again, it all depends on where you're at.

So, there are many different exceptions and rules to the First Amendment, but it's important to media because we need to know where we stand on making videos so we don't violate those rules or step on or humiliate other certain groups and possibly get sued.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is Literature DEAD or Has it Just Gone to the Movies?

This is the title of an article I was reading on the Lexis Nexis database. Unfortunately, it got deleted, but it brought up many good points. I'm doing a 8-10 page research paper for my English class and I'm debating that movies and media are not the downfall of our society. Many literary people and not all, but many English teachers and majors believe that media is taking away from the literacy of American readers. I'm debating that that is not always true.

One quote from this article said, "...the education system's support for the classics is all the weaker because we have to recognize that old literature is becoming more difficult to teach. Let's accept that teaching the literary canon is always hard because reading serious literature carefully requires complex skills, out of the way knowledge and a passion for language and the past. But students often resist it for more mundane reasons."

They also brought up Steven Spielberg's 1985 version of Alice Walker's "The Color Purple." It said its success of the film "helped Hollywood realize it could also reinterpret the classics to make them more appropriate for contemporary conditions."

So, there are many points that can be battled on this topic. I just wanted to take the not-so easy path and battle for the good of the media. I'm not saying literature is dead, but people just need to be more open-minded and learn the facts before they judge.

Also, any good and reliable websites and/or books you may know of for information would be gladly accepted. My paper is due Sunday and I'm still doing research, ha.

Until next time...
Hey everyone, just testing this out. This is my first post. Until next time...
